Time Management

Time Management

Make Time for Speaking Homework

Jane Birkenhead, January 8 2025

Is this you? You’re taking lessons to improve your English (perhaps to prepare for exams or an important work event), everything is going well and you have the best intentions but you can't find the time to do any speaking homework for your tutor. When you get home from work after a long day, you’re tired, and other things always seem to get in...

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Time Management

Finding Time to Study

Jane Birkenhead, November 18 2024

One common problem that all exam students face, is finding the time to study. This is understandable as most students have to balance work and family commitments with their studying time. But let's turn this around. If you think you DON'T have time to study, then think about all the other things you DO

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Time Management

Take a break if you're studying for TOEFL. It will help.

Jane Birkenhead, June 17 2020

Do you wonder if you are studying enough for TOEFL? Or, do you struggle to fit studying for TOEFL around your work and family commitments, and get frustrated because you always run out of time? If so, this post is for you! I’m going to explain why it’s important to take breaks from studying, and why studying less is sometimes a very good

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