IELTS Lessons

with Birkenhead English

Online private lessons are a fast and efficient way of preparing for IELTS exams.

I help you achieve your target scores by sharing up to date study resources and providing practice conditions exactly like those you'll experience in the real exam.

I've been teaching online for 9 years and I've seen how effective online learning can be.

It really does change students' lives!

EVERY IELTS lesson includes:

Detailed explanations so you know exactly what to do.

Live practice with personalized, focused feedback.

Error correction with advice about reducing fossilized errors.

Practical exercises to help you build the skills you need.

Homework allocation and review.

Advice about keeping motivated and how to study by yourself.

Your lesson recording to review whenever you want.

How to Book IELTS Lessons



Please contact me directly to schedule lessons.

We can Zoom for a quick chat, and make a plan. I can normally schedule your lessons to start within a few days.

When we've worked out your lesson schedule, I'll prepare your personalized lesson plan, send you an online invoice and then that's it, we can start!

12 Lessons USD $780

In this package, we have the time to do a deeper dive into several exam sections and focus on any particular problems you may have.

We can investigate any score limiting factors such as fossilized errors and pronunciation issues.

There will be lots of time for practice and reinforcement.

I will create a personalized lesson plan for your specific needs.

How many Lessons do I Need?

I recommend that you consider 8 lessons as a minimum.

Lesson packages of different lengths are available and they can easily be extended if you require more lessons.

Improving language proficiency is NOT the same as learning facts.

In order to get better at a language, you need to build skills.

Your new language skills will only become natural and spontaneous after several weeks of constant studying.

6 Lessons USD $390

This lesson package gives us time to cover 1 exam section for the Academic or General Training exam. However, due to the nature of IELTS, if you need a lot of help with speaking (especially for delivery and pronunciation), then I'd recommend you consider a longer lesson package.

In 6 lessons, we can focus on either the listening, reading, or writing tests, learn strategies and do skill building practice to be fully prepared.

If you've already taken the exam, and you're familiar with the speaking test, we can do intensive practice for this section.

I will create a personalized lesson plan for your specific needs.

8 Lessons USD $520

A package of 8 lessons allows us to focus much more on each section of the exam, and to tackle any specific language use problems you may have.

This is the package most often selected by candidates who need my help with speaking and writing.

I will create a personalized lesson plan for your specific needs.

I know it can be scary when you look at the cost of something and see that it comes to a few hundred dollars. For this reason, I offer everyone the option to pay for lessons in instalments.

There is no extra charge for this (unlike big language schools who often add on several hundred dollars for this option).

If you:

need a big increase in scores

have gaps in your language proficiency

need to work on pronunciation and delivery

have fossilized errors to correct

have anxiety, memory, or recall problems

then you should consider a longer lesson package.

Read more to learn what's included in lesson packages



You'll see my personal logos on all Birkenhead English resources. I've created speaking and writing structures, reading, listening, grammar, and vocabulary exercises, and I know hundreds of different ways to practice to help you increase your fluency.

Resources and Study Materials

My name Birkenhead comes from an old English word meaning birch trees. My logos depict 2 birch leaves to reflect this meaning. I like the connection they form between trees and growth, and studying and growth.

These logos were designed especially for me. So when you see these little leaves on any study materials, you'll know they come from me, and that they can be trusted.